Admission Requirements

Four possible following ways are available for Admission of International Student to Imam Khomeini International University, in existing fields and programs of the university:

1-Government Scholarship of Islamic Republic of Iran:

This type of scholarship includes applicants who, while having the conditions approved by the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, have submitted their application to the Scholarship Council of Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, and after being accepted, they will be recommended to the University with the letter from the Ministry of Science to continue their education. The Government Scholarship of the Islamic Republic of Iran has two types: Scholarship (A) and Scholarship (B). In the Scholarship A, the applicant will be entitled to free education (with no tuition fees) and student grant in permitted study time. In the Scholarship B, applicants can study free without any grant.

Note 1: The minimum desirable Grade for scholarship admission is 70 for Bachelor and Master Degrees, and 80 for PhD based on the Students Admission Regulations of Ministry of Science. Priority for admission is made according to the quota and capacity of each country.

Note 2: The age condition for using the above Scholarship is as follow: for Bachelor’s degrees, 22 years, for Master’s degree is 26 years and for PhD level is 31 years. For Persian language and Literature and Theology fields, 2 more years could be acceptable. For applicants who have just graduated, the age limit is not considered.


2- National Exam

In this type of admission, education of non-Iranian citizens of the Islamic Republic of Iran is possible on the basis of regulations and circumstances of the Ministry of Interior, which is mentioned in the National Examination Manual of the National Organization of Educational Testing, and internationally accepted students must pay second turn tuition fees.


3- University Scholarship

In addition to admission of the Ministry of Science, the International University of Imam Khomeini, admits a number of non-Iranian volunteers in undergraduate, postgraduate and postgraduate degrees, in accordance with the International Student Admission Guideline and the following ways:


A- Full Scholarship: This type of scholarship is exempt from payment of tuition and facilities fees and is awarded to applicants with a minimum Grade of their last Degree as follows, based on the quota of each country and the capacity:

 Minimum Grade of Diploma and Pre-University (for undergraduate studies): 90

 Minimum Grade of Bachelor (for Graduate studies): Human Sciences 90 and others 85

 Minimum Grade of Master (For PhD studies): 90


B-Educational Scholarship: This type of scholarship is exempt from payment of tuition fees but if admitted applicants use the facilities of the University (Dormitory), they must pay Facilities Fees. This Scholarship is awarded to applicants with a minimum Grade of their last Degree as follows, based on the quota of each country and the capacity:

Minimum Grade of Diploma and Pre-University (for undergraduate studies):85

Minimum Grade of Bachelor (for Graduate studies): Human Sciences 85 and others 80

Minimum Grade of Master (For PhD studies): 85


C: Conditional Scholarship for Persian Language Learning: Applicants of Free Persian Language Learning Center can use the “Conditional Scholarship for Persian Language Learning “if they enroll in the university courses. Applicants for this type of scholarship should pay 70% of the Tuition fees for the Persian Language Center as an in part payment, which will be returned to them after successful completion of the Persian Language Courses and entry into the university courses. 


4- Non-Scholarship (with personal expense)

Applicants who are willing to continue their studies with their personal expense, will be admitted based on the “International Student Admission Guidelines” and will be required to pay tuition and facilities fees for each semester in accordance with the decision of the Board of Trustees of the University. For more information, see the tuition fees section.

Note 3: The minimum desirable Grade for admission is as follow:

  The undergraduate Degree: 65, Postgraduate 75, and PhD level 80.


§  Admission Requirements

1.  A non-Iranian citizenship.

2.  No legal bans on continuing education and living in Iran.

3.  Being mentally and emotionally healthy.

4.  Holding a valid degree, or equivalent of high school diploma, undergraduate or postgraduate degree for studying Bachelor's, Master's and PhD, respectively.

5.  Commitment to educational regulations and adherence to the university standards and disciplines.

6.  Paying the processing fee (for the documents to be reviewed by the university admission council, specific to non- scholarship applicants).

7.  Having the certificate of the Persian Language Learning Center from the university (for the students graduated from non-Iranian Institutes).


Note 5: Due to fact that the medium of education in IKIU is Persian, the graduates of non-Iranian institutes who are not familiar with the Persian language, will be introduced to the Persian Language Center after receiving their letter of acceptance.


§  Necessary Requirements for Admission

Non-Iranian applicants of Imam Khomeini International University are required to submit the following documents, while referring to the Students' online application system of the University and registering their applications to the system. The presentation of the original and confirmed documents to the university is obligatory in the final registration step.


1.  A copy of the most recent degree.

Note 6: Non-Iranian applicants who have graduated from Iran's educational centers and have applied for a bachelor's degree must submit their high school diploma or the equivalent of the named degree.

2.  A copy of grades transcript.

Note 7: Educational documents including the graduation certificate and the grades transcript of the applicants who have been graduated from non-Iranian educational institutes, should be confirmed and verified by IRI consulate in the applicants’ country.

3.  A Copy of passport valid at least six months.

4. Recommendation letters from two professors of the last university degree. (Only For Masters and Ph.D's Applicants)

5. Offering valid certificate confirming that the applicant is not infected with infectious and contagious diseases including HIV, hepatitis B and C, and is not addicted to any drugs and narcotics.

6.  A new personal photo 3×4 with a white background.

7.  The bank receipt of the payment for review and processing of the documents fees based on the level of degree (specific to non-scholarship applicants).


Level of Study

Processing Fees (in Euros)

Bachelor's, Master's, PhD

10 €


Note 8: The abovementioned processing fees should be paid to one of the following accounts:

* Account number 5106793823 Bank Mellat, owned by "specific incomes of the Deputy of International Affairs of IKIU", for applicants inside Iran Through the electronic payment portal of the university:

* Account number 2150126218 Bank Tejarat, swift code BTEJIRTHAQZN bank Tejarat, owned by "specific incomes of the IKIU" for applicants outside of Iran.


Note 9: Should the applicants residing in other countries not be able to pay the mentioned fees, they may make the payments after entering Iran.

Note 10: The deposited processing fees are not refundable.